Peace of Mind PC - Networking

Peace Of Mind PC specializes in network design and implementation services to both business clients and individuals. We offer wired and wireless networking depending on your need and the situation. Peace Of Mind PC Solutions can help you with installation at your retail site, setting up cash registers, servers, peripherals such as card readers, scanners and printers, and run cable between the systems.
Local Network Setup:
Are you looking for a professional network cabling setup in your office or home, or if you need to add more workstations to your existing network, we can setup new network Jacks with the wiring in your office or home, installing punch panel, add or upgrade your network switch from 10/100 Mbps to 1000 Mbps, reorganize your networking cables and remove non-working network cables.
We can analyze your network to see if you have any network issues
For your inbound and outbound network traffic.
Many people are unaware of how easy and inexpensive it is to interconnect existing computers to local Area Network (LAN). If you are using Windows, Mac, no additional software is required to enjoy basic network functions such as shared use of Servers directories, drives, or printers.
We can also enable your home or business network to share your Internet connection to as many computers you my have.